Saturday, January 31, 2009
ACK! Too many projects...
I have figured out that I can afford to buy a sewing machine with our lovely tax return. I am not sure which one to buy, what the price ranges are....but I will figure that out when the time comes. I am hoping that I can borrow one from a friend so that I can try to get some of these ideas out of my head!
Baking...I am baking today and tomorrow - superbowl party. I am going to bring some cupcakes (yet to be decided...ideas?) and for the kiddos I am going to make some strawberry whoopie pies. I think they will be yummy. I was very excited that there were a few "Baked" recipes in the last issue of "O" magazine (dying to buy this book - it's on my wishlist). And the fact that I am trying to watch my caloric intake just makes me want to bake more! So I will be attempting some new recipes and am planning on trying out some blue agave to use as a substitute for sugar. Will let you know how that goes!
Cooking - Jason and I are working out a list of our favorite meals and I am going to attempt to have a meal plan set up so that there isn't any of that "what's for dinner?" business. We have been getting so busy and things are just getting busier and busier. Jakob is signed up for swim classes twice a week. Soccer starts in March for Jakob. Jason is working like mad. And I am trying to find a part time job. And am going to as many playgroups as possible and making some good friends. Oh...and fitting in workouts as much as I can. It has realistically been 3 years since I worked out. How sad is that? Shame shame shame. But I am doing it now and that is what matters.
Crafts - so some of the projects I want to attempt are sewn crayon rollups - they are a great way to store your kids crayons so they are all put away and not in a tub. Organized!!!! Aprons - I figure I need more than just the couple of aprons that I have. And I always want Jakob and Aiden to have a couple too - for baking, painting and just getting messy! Oh... and the one craft I am dying to try are these scrabble tile pendants. I just got three in the mail and they are super cute! I can think of all kinds of people that I want to make these for, as well as try my hand at selling a few....Etsy here I come! I know you are all wondering when on earth I am going to find the time to do all of this. I really am not sure either. But the one thing I am lucky to have is a couple of hours each day to myself as the boys nap. Jakob is still a great napper (insert sound of knocking wood HERE). So I do have a couple of hours a day. And though I should be spending it unpacking boxes, cleaning, dishes, making dinner...I never am. I am online, baking, reading, or occasionally napping myself. So there really are 10-14 hours a week that I could dedicate to this creative need I am feeling. Something for me. Me time. Something I am trying to do more of. But at the same time making it something for my kiddos too. So maybe some of that time should be sent cleaning this house. So lets say 6 - 8 hours of me time.
Ahhh... the challenges of balance. Again something I am learning as I go through this thing called life. Any tips on life? Leave me a comment!
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Clean my Room??
So I will think of a better question to ask/answer later. Stay Tuned.
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Cookie Swap
No recipes to post. I will hound the ladies for them and post them when I get them.
Until then....drool that I have all these awesome cookies in my house that I can't eat! But I will tell you this....Jakob, Aiden and Jason are sure excited to have them around.
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
oooohhhhh I like this question...
80's - Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire 90's - Dead Poets Society
I hate to say it but that list changes all the time. There are so many great movies out there. I don't get to go to the movies very often and we don't watch too many at home these days, by the time the boys are asleep we are so wiped that there isn't time for a movie before we crash. Either that or one of us falls asleep in the middle of the movie!
So that is the question of the day. Now, what is your favorite movie and why??? Leave me a comment.
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1/2 cup raspberry jam or jelly
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter 2 large baking sheets.
In a small bowl, combine the jam and Chambord. Stir to combine.
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt and whisk to blend. In a large bowl using an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Beat in the egg yolks, lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla. Add the flour mixture in 2 additions and beat just until moist clumps form. Gather the dough together into a ball.
Oh it is good to be back in the kitchen!
Take Care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Monday, January 26, 2009
Biggest Loser, and some Awesome Dinners!
So with this new weight loss plan I made a couple of really tasty low cal meals. Last night we had lemon chicken with asparagus over whole wheat pasta. It was easy, quick and super yummy. And tonight I made Shrimp Stirfry with sweet chili sauce over brown rice. Delish!! I don't really have recipes for either dish - I kinda threw it all together. But it was simple. My tip is work with what you've got. And avoid all the butter, oil, and fatty meat. Oh, and triple your veggies - they will fill you up and are soooooo good for you. And I am starting to like them too!!
That's it for now. More lighter meals to come. And don't worry, I am still baking my heart out! Trying a new cookie recipe tomorrow, so stay tuned!!
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
And I have to mention that there are some days that I just want it to rain. Absolutely pour. These are days when I don't have to go anywhere, have a fridge full of food, healthy and happy boys, tons of art supplies on hand, a new movie for the boys, and the dog being able to hold it for extended periods of time!! And then it can rain, and rain, and rain. I like those days once in a while.
What type of weather do you enjoy?
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
switching questions!
Chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate. I am a milk chocolate fan. But I love a dark chocolate cake with a light buttercream filling and a berry filling along with it. It would be tall and square. Covered in a light airy pink, yes pink, buttercream. None of that fondant crap - I hate the taste of that stuff. Sure, it looks cool, but tastes nasty. There would be chocolate curls everywhere. Layers and layers of yummy cake and chocolate. Oh, and I wouldn't have to make it. It would be made from scratch by someone awesome. No one in particular. But are there any takers for making me this cake???
What would yours look like?
Take care and happy cake dreams!
Love Big, Bake Often
Jakob enjoying his cake!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What an amazing day...
I don't have the brain power to write quite how I feel, but check out my friend J's blog because I think she expressed her feelings PERFECTLY!!
Happy Obama Day Everyone!!
Take Care,
LOVE BIG, Bake Often
Monday, January 19, 2009
And here is a shot of the last bite of the cupcakes - they went fast!
Guess who's going to the circus!
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
ps ----and I get to make clown cookies!!! Right on!
MLK jr
I thought about trying to teach Jakob about him this year, but I don't think he would get it. I talked to him about MLK a little and he was interested for about 20 seconds. Not quite the attention span yet.
But tomorrow will be a big day in our house. We look forward to watching the inauguration. I am going to watch it with the kids. I am sure they will just be playing around and not getting any of it, but there will be an excitement in the air and red, white and blue treats to be had. I have invited some of the other mamas over but so far no takers - not too many democrats here I guess.
Take Care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Margarita Cupcakes! Tequila!!!
You want pies with that??

Put your thinking hats on friends, and let me know what you think you would do....or better yet join the fun and make your own pie!!
More pie thoughts to follow....
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Check out this Giveaway!!
Isn't it Beautiful?......

Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often!
Friday, January 16, 2009
What makes me cry over tv shows???
All in all it was a show that I probably should have passed on, but now I can look back and see it as cathartic. I think I needed a good cry. Everyone does occasionally, and today was my day.
Hope all is well with everyone....
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Question of the day....
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Question time.....
Take care,
Love Big, Bake Often
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Question of the Day...
So today's question is "what would you like to change in our world?"
That is a big question, there are so many things I would like to change. I would like to change the food industry - start heading back to more natural products, not so much processing being done to the food we eat. I think there are so many health issues that can be linked to the food we eat. I would like to change the war that is going on in the middle east. Being the wife of a soldier who has put his life at risk to serve his country in a war that we don't agree with makes me wish we could change what is going on over there. To be able to change the start of the war, to change our army's role in this war. I would do more to change the environment, and make some things mandatory. Like car pooling - I think that there are so many ways that we could do to have less cars on the road. I would change the laws to make it legal for gay couples to marry. I don't like the fact that it is allowed in some states and not in others. So that friends of mine are recognized as a married couple, with all the rights of a married couple, in all the states they travel through to come visit me.
Oh the things I would change..... I could go on and on.
So... what would you change in the world?
take care,
love big, bake often
TWD - Cornbread Muffins, kinda...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A day of baking and treats...
For dinner I made a recipe that I have been wanting to make ever since I saw it a couple of weeks ago (or so). CHIPOTLE LIME GLAZED SHRIMP! Ok - not baking, but man were they ever freaking yummy!! I found it while perusing my Google Reader and all the blogs I follow. Ezra Pound Cake shared this recipe from Cook's Illustrated. I served it with lime maple sweet potatoes and cornbread. No greens - the green beans I had in the fridge went south on me. Oh well - double tomorrow! I think we will be working this into the "rotation" for sure - love it!!
And last but not least, Lemon Blueberry Muffins. I have another playgroup with the new meetup group in the morning. A coffee meetup while the kiddos play. I thought I would bring something yummy with me (as I usually do), so I made a Dorie recipe but substituted lemon for orange, and added some sweetened cream cheese in the middle before baking them. So when you bite into them there is a yummy cheesecakey center.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
tv shows I shouldn't watch
But back to tv - these damn shows catch me by surprise. Jason is smart - he wont watch shows that deal with sick or dying young kids, especially boys. I, on the other hand, HAVE to watch them and then I have nightmares for days and can't get the stories out of my head, or heart.
Am I the only one? Hope not.
Love big, Bake often
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Jakob... oh, sweet Jakob
Oh, wait, I remember.... when we turned his life upside down. Now don't get me wrong, Jakob always had some whine in him. He threw the odd fit, and whined when he didn't get his way here and there. But these days he whines about absolutely everything. And I mean EVERYTHING!! You could offer him a chocolate chip cookie and he would find something to whine about it. Every time I ask him to do something we have a battle. He wont listen, he crumbles and whines at the drop of a hat. He fights me on so much. I just don't have the will to fight any more. Every morning I wake up and think that it will be a better day, that I will find the patience to deal with him and try a different approach. I have tried just about everything. I tried making light of it and joking him into cooperating, telling him I don't understand when he is whining and talking in his uber whiny voice, to putting him in time out when he begins to whine, and even just plain ignoring him when he starts to whine. Nothing has worked. I feel like I am being held captive when he begins to whine. We can't leave the house until he is ready to go, he wont get dressed until he pretty much feels like it. I can't physically force him to do something, I am worried and a little afraid that I would be too rough because that would be when I hit my wall and lose it. I really just want to have a good day. I want to have a day when everyone is happy, there is no whining, and we have alot of good laughs. There is no real reason for his whining, I feel like it has become a habit for him. So how do I break this habit before I lose my mind! And before he teaches Aiden to start talking and whining at the same time?!?!
Love Big, Bake Often
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Blogger Frustration!
I hate technology sometimes, mostly when I can't get it to do what I want!!
Love Big, Bake Often
TWD: French Pear Tart!!
This was my first attempt at working with tart dough, tart pans, and actually all the parts of this recipe - never made almond cream, never baked with pears. So an adventure in firsts. I think they turned out pretty great - and they were really tasty!!
What do you think???
I think it looks pretty on the blue plate. I just wish I new how to take better photos! Need to get some tips and advice and maybe a good book about photography. And to find the time to take them during the day so I can take advantage of some natural light instead of icky flash photos!
Here are the ingredients for the crust - don't know why the pic wont rotate.... Simple yummy recipe for tart dough.
And the ingredients blended together... nice and crumbly like the recipe says!
I chose to make four little tarts - but I think I could have made more, the dough was a little thick, it made for a hard crust. Super tasty. I used the bottom of a glass to press it into the pan, didn't mean for there to be so many impressions in the dough! Ooops...
I prebaked them like Dorie says!!
And here they are before I put them in the oven. I did my best to create a nice spiral on a couple. Thought it would look pretty. And they did. They baked up lovely. The almond cream browned up around the pears and made such a lovely crust.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
'Pink" Cupcakes
Lessons in Whipped Cream
Tonight Jakob learned the fine art of having whipped cream "dispensed" into your mouth directly from the can!! What a thrill. He thought it was the best thing ever, like he was doing something wrong and doing it with Mama. I got a HUGE kick out of it too. There was such a look of pride in his eyes. Just amazes me how something as simple as Redi-whip can make the end of the day wipe out all the whinning and stubborness of the day. Ahhhh....
Love BIG, Bake Often
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Cornbread - Breakfast for Dinner
Anyway... I found this recipe on and tweaked it a little. I didn't think it needed as much sugar, and I added some shredded cheddar.
1 cup yellow cornmeal
2/3 cup white sugar - I used 1/2 a cup
1 teaspoon salt
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Spray or lightly grease a 9 inch round cake pan. In a large bowl, combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, salt and baking powder. Stir in egg, milk and vegetable oil until well combined. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean.