Monday, July 12, 2010

Military Monday….a farewell and a hello!

I am going to miss Nikki.  Next week there is a change of command happening….  Nikki’s husband Cory, Jason’s current Commanding Officer, is being moved to a different “company” and a new Commanding Officer is coming in….I don’t do well with some change.  But what this change means for me is a new FRG (Family Readiness Group) leader.  I am sure that JoAnn and I will get along well.  I am just sad that I wont be able to finish out my time at Ft. Stewart with Nikki as my partner in crime. 

Anyway… a few weeks ago we had a meeting to welcome JoAnn, and say goodbye and THANK YOU to Nikki.  Nikki has done a phenomenal job pulling all us crazy wives together and into a cohesive group.  She will be greatly missed. 

So, as co-leader of the group I thought it was only appropriate to acknowledge the occasion with cookies!  LOL

Here are my Thank You and Welcome cookies for Nikki & JoAnn.

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Thank you Ladies for all your hard work.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Military Monday

I guess I should have posted these over the weekend for 4th of July inspiration….whooops.

I made these cookies for a bake sale on Fort Stewart this weekend.  The proceeds will be going toward Jason’s Brigade….including the Brigade Ball in December.  I decided to do the stars for the 4th, and the yellow ribbons to represent those waiting for their loved ones.

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Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

I am not sure if I have mentioned it on here….but I am starting my own ”Happiness Project”.  If you aren’t familiar with it, you can check out the blog here….and pick up the book here. Gretchen Rubin spent a year working on becoming a happier person, one month at a time, tackling new resolutions and creating her own Twelve Personal Commandments, the Secrets of Adulthood and Four Splendid Truths.

The basic premise of it is taking small steps each month to try to be a happier person!  And this is not to say that I don’t think I am already a happy person, because I am. I love my life.  My marriage is in a great place, even though he is thousands of miles away.  My boys are a joy as always, even when they drive me to pour a glass of wine at 5 pm. And I a loving being a stay at home Mama again, and working on my cookie biz.  I just believe that there are things that I may be missing that could make me a happier person.  Personal growth is never a bad thing right??

I find her Twelve Personal Commandments to be inspiring in themselves.  I forsee post it notes around the house reminding me of them.  Here they are:

  1. Be Gretchen – I plan on Being Tania!
  2. Let it Go
  3. Act the way I want to feel
  4. Do it NOW (this is going to be a tough one for me)
  5. Be polite and be fair
  6. Enjoy the process
  7. Spend out
  8. Identify the problem
  9. Lighten up
  10. Do what ought to be done
  11. No calculation
  12. There is only LOVE

Pretty simple, yet kind of profound.  Wouldn’t life be easier if we all followed these?

So today was my first day.  I have decided to pick and choose the different “resolutions” from each month and add a couple of my own.  Make sense?  To kick start my Happiness Project I will be making the following additions and keep track of them each day – giving myself a gold star for each as Gretchen would say.

  • Clean the kitchen before going to bed (I am sad to say that this is hard for me! but Jason will be happy about it!!)
  • Clean out the closets (time to downsize this place before we move – this make take more than one month!)
  • Tackle a nagging task
  • Use my To Do list
  • Follow the “One Minute Rule” – don’t put something off that only takes a minute to do
  • Observe the evening tidy up – pick up the toys, shoes etc before going to bed
  • Try not to raise my voice as much
  • Exercise – this is going to be another toughie – but there is no reason that I can’t fit it into my day

There you have it.  This is the start of something good.  I can FEEL it. And I plan to post my way through it.

Let me know if you have any tips on being a happier person, if you have done your own Happiness Project, or leave me a comment of support!