Super excited to kick the year off with a giveaway on LB,BO. When I saw that Shell, from Things I Can’t Say, was looking for bloggers to test out and giveaway board games from Courage to Change, games designed for kids with special needs, I knew that it was an opportunity I should jump on. All the games that I was able to chose from were tempting….but I focused on one that I thought would help and be fun for my special little man.
One of the things that we (Aiden’s Preschool teachers and I) are working on with him is routine and rules. We are planning on putting him in all day kindergarten next year, knowing that it could be tough, to get him use to those routines and rules that go along with being in school ALL day. So that when he gets to first grade, he has them down pat and can focus on the learning. So….when I saw “The Classroom Behavior Game”, I knew that would be a great one to work on these skills with him to prepare him for next year. I also thought that it would be a fun game to take into the school so that his classmates could enjoy it and learn some of the rules as well.
After watching the video about the game and who it caters to, I knew that it would be a fantastic game for Aiden. And for Jakob! It will be a fun way for Jakob to teach Aiden how to behave in school, and maybe remind Jakob too!! :)
I am REALLY looking forward to getting the game – my stalking the tracking number says it will be here in three days. You could have a chance to win one too! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to check back here next week for a review of the game itself, after the boys and I get to play it a few times and take it into Aiden’s class for his friends to give it a whirl.