Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nutella Crème Brulee


I do not have any pictures for you today.  I made these later in the day, and after 4 hours chilling in the fridge and then getting the boys settled, it was too dark to get any natural light, and the lighting in this house is not photogenic AT ALL.

So, for the recipe, and pictures of said Nutella Crème Brulee….you will have to go HERE….and then go to Bella Nutella to see all the other Ah-Mazing things you can make with Nutella….you wont be sorry (well, maybe your waistline will!)


Day two of sweet treats for love day was a huge success….I love this recipe!  They are delicious.  Perfect end to a really good day.

What did you bake today?  Or enjoy?

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